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Play to Win in the Second Half of Your Career

Feb 02, 2016

I’m noticing an interesting trend in my executive coaching engagements.

Although millennials have the reputation of being seekers of greater meaning and purpose, I’ve found consistently that executives in the back half of their career are just as much, if not more, concerned about how to make a big impact through their work.

And the sense or urgency is real for those of us who find ourselves asking, “how did the past 10 years fly by so fast?”

By the time you figure out what you love and what you’re good at, retirement may be on the not-quite-so-distant-anymore horizon.

In the second half, you have a choice to make: go for it, or coast?

At the same time seasoned professionals are facing this choice, the world of work as we know it is undergoing massive shifts and exponential change.

Think media, medicine, and money--all these staid industries have been disrupted by more efficient, agile business models. And the pace of change across our entire economy will only increase.

Agility is a crucial leadership skill, and at the same time, we’ve never before needed as much business judgement and hard won wisdom, to be able to quickly pivot and execute well, as we need now.

There has also never been a better time to make a bigger impact. For those who lead with agility, discernment, and a commitment to make a difference--this is your time to shine.

"It's never too late to be what you might have been." George Eliot

How can you apply your talents to the most pressing business and global challenges? Here are some questions to spur your thinking:

What do you love and are uniquely great at? How can you do that in a much bolder way?
Where are high growth/high demand areas that you can apply those talents?
Who are the two most interesting people you could connect with to explore how to make the most of your impact in the second half?

I’d love to hear from you. What is the difference you intend to make?


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