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How to Future-Proof Your Career

Jun 26, 2016

Disruption is the norm in today's working world.

Entire industries (think hospitality, transportation, retail, and media, to name a few) have been radically disrupted and restructured in a matter of a few short years.

And if your industry hasn't been disrupted yet--just wait; it's coming!

With such disruption all around us, it's important to ensure you stay relevant and drive your career direction, so you do not wind up on the losing end of change.

In this video, I share three ways to future-proof your career, along with some recent real-world client experiences which illustrate these points.

Plus, I share a couple resources to help you stay up-to-date on the latest developments and disruptions, so you can best position yourself to take advantage of the opportunities they present.

Please share in the comments below your recent experiences shifting gears, and any resources you recommend to stay on the leading edge of disruption.


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